A mobile app connecting underserved students to agriculture opportunities

SEED is a mobile app that connects underserved students with job opportunities, internships, and scholarships in the agriculture field. Created in partnership with Tennessee State University (TSU), the app is designed to guide students through career paths within agriculture by providing valuable resources and personalized opportunities.
Lead Designer
4 months


Building opportunities for underserved students

The idea for SEED originated from professors at TSU who wanted to improve access to opportunities in agriculture for underserved students. They envisioned a centralized platform that would simplify the process of finding relevant internships, scholarships, and job openings. The project was funded by the USDA’s NextGen grant to build and sustain the next generation of agriculture professionals. SEED was conceived as part of this initiative to provide a platform for agriculture students to discover and access opportunities.


Understanding student pain points

We visited TSU's campus in Nashville to meet with students and professors in the College of Agriculture. Through in-person interviews, we identified key pain points: students struggled to find relevant opportunities and felt overwhelmed by navigating multiple resources. These insights directly informed the app's core features and design, ensuring it addressed real user challenges.


Iterative design with a focus on user feedback

I collaborated with another designer throughout the design process, from initial research to final handoff. We began with wireframes focused on simple and intuitive navigation. Multiple iterations, informed by user feedback, refined the app's structure and user experience.

To maintain consistency and efficiency, we developed a component library that streamlined the design process and ensured a unified visual language for the development team. We then created high-fidelity designs and conducted usability testing with students to validate our design choices and refine them as needed. In addition to the app's design, I worked on the branding, including creating the logo and app icon.


SEED now available to students everywhere

The SEED app is now live on the iOS App Store and Google Play Store, accessible to students nationwide. The designs received positive feedback during usability testing, and the development team successfully brought them to life. Although metrics are still being gathered, early responses from students and stakeholders have been encouraging, highlighting the app's potential impact in agriculture.

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